Monday, January 31, 2011

Remember that frightening moment of your fall

Just recently in a situation where, about six months ago I would have been totally ill at ease, I found myself thanking the Almighty for the blessings he had bestowed upon me. This one of a kind reaction to the situation kind of surprised me and at the same time got me curious to find out the reason behind the same.

After reliving the last six months of my life in a split second, I was reminded of all the falls that I had taken in what I would rate as the worst phase of my life and of me constantly begging in front of the Almighty for no repeats as long as I live. At the same time I was also reminded about the bounty that the Almighty had blessed me with during this ongoing struggle, which included the gift of some extraordinary friends who I am indebted for life, some amazing life altering lessons, a green signal to some long overdue plans etc.

A few more introspecting moments later, I realized that the reason I had ended up thanking the Almighty was because I had learnt to appreciate and enjoy what I had rather than being upset over what I felt,I deserved to have. This was because the time I felt that I was out of my comfort zone, I was sub-consciously reminded of my struggle in the last six months and how comfortable I was now as compared to those times.

All I am trying to say to the readers of this post is that whenever u feel that things aren’t the way they should be and that life’s being unfair, In order to appreciate and enjoy all that you are blessed with, think of time when even you weren’t able to put money on yourself, the time when the world around you was falling apart, remember that frightening moment of your fall.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Did I read what was written? Was it written by you? I am glad you are thinking in the right direction.

    Good luck and best wishes.

    - Asra

  3. I am still falling.. the moment is here. its very frightening. hope it doesnt last.
